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Bolshoi pr. P.S., 14-5

About Us Our Projects Services News Our Awards

27.02.2012Entry in «Energy auditors association»Entry in «Energy auditors association»
«Investment construction company «NKS» became a full member of a non-profit organization «Energy auditors association»
6.02.2012Construction progressConstruction progress
Our company proceeded to works execution of second phase of a project for Logistics workshop of the plant «BSH Bytowije Pribory»
26.01.2012Construction progressConstruction progress
The construction of «Multifunctional administrative warehouse complex «Pelican Auto» is in progress
20.12.2011Prospector’s ventureProspector’s venture
Investment Construction Company «NKS» became an active member of non-commercial partnership «Prospector’s venture»
Our company proceeded to works execution of second phase of a project for Logistics workshop of the plant «BSH Bytowije Pribory»
23.10.2011Construction progressConstruction progress
of Multifunctional manufacturing and storage facility held for sale, maintenance and repair of motorcars «Pelican Auto»
21.09.2011State contract negotiationState contract negotiation
OOO «Investment Construction Company «NKS» and «Saint Petersburg industrial investments agency» entered into state contracts
Company empoyees were awarded with a certificate of Honor and Appreciation of Saint Petersburg Vice-governor
16.06.2011Signing of General Contractor ContractSigning of General Contractor Contract
at construction of Multifunctional manufacturing and storage complex «Pelican Auto»
29.04.2011Licence of RosokhranculturaLicence of Rosokhrancultura
Investment Construction Company «NKS» has received the License on cultural heritage objects renovation actions
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